
Monday, December 14, 2009

March 4, 2025 Ice Conditions -

March 4 

Vixen had its last sailing on Monday 3/3 - a few friends and locals who showed up had wonderful sails up the empty expanse of Copake. Vixen is dismantled and now back home.  Most of the boats have been removed from Orange Lake. A few Arrows are on shore hoping for a last shot this weekend. Puff will come off today after  a morning sail.  A marvelous sailing season was had!

March 2  

Copake survived the warm up and rain very well. Sailing to continue Monday.

February 25  

We are in the midst of a heat wave this week!  First warm temps in a while and it is impacting the ice. One local sailing spot had 2-3 inches of slush on top of 7+ inches of black ice.  For now all sailing on hold. Vixen is tucked away in a protected cove on Copake, waiting out the warming.  A few boats have been taken off of Orange Lake, and others are hoping that Sundays return to cold temps for a few days may harden the surface.  And there's hope for a launch at Tivoli Bay - access permission and a clearing of the launch area are complete.  It all may be for naught as we still have several days of warming, along with a spell of rain.  Not optimistic.... 

February 21    Feb 22 update...

     Twilight February 22, 2025.     Copake Lake

We've had snow, rain, ice and cold.  Surfaces are healing some. 

here's what happening:

Copake Lake-  2 boats launched this week. Vixen was last on this small lake in Columbia County in 2019.  William in his foldable stern steerer is also getting time on tiller here. Lots of rides to guests both Friday & Saturday.

You need to play fetch for 10 minutes before you can even think of getting a ride....    The historic lateen rigged Vixen on Copake, Feb 20 2025.        (photo courtesy Reid Beilenberg)   

Light winds on Saturday at Copake -from the cockpit of Vixen. Ice is in very good condition. - some snowmobile ruts but minimal.

Orange Lake 

      Puff and DN fleet on Saturday.                                  (photo courtesy Maggie McNamara)

There is  a small fleet of stern and bow steerers on the Lake. There is a sticky crust covering much of the surface, plenty of thickness. 

High winds, you sail, light winds, you don't cut through the crust.

Genevieve, Puff, Lady, and Boreas enjoyed gusting high winds this week.  Winds may be just enough this weekend. Saturday the winds came up in the afternoon and skippers had some nice sailing. 


      Boreas, 1924 stern steerer originally from New Hampshire.  This was a light wind afternoon - she couldn't get through the crust. 

        Brett & Art with Lady. The crust should slowly wet out over the upcoming days.
    (photo courtesy Maggie McNamara)

Athens - Murderers Creek has broken up - earlier this week. No boats there. It is unsafe to launch at the boat launch. 

                                 The last iceboat at Athens, Whiff, was removed from the launch area; shortly after this the ice plates continued breaking up.

Our ramp from the dock led to thigh deep mud here at extreme low tide.

Tivoli Bay  No sailing currently. Covered with a similar crust as Orange Lake. Working on access and it looks like we can get to the south end to set up - if the surface smooths out the Bay  could be in play for a few weeks.  

North end of South Tivoli Bay looking west to the Catskills. 

Meanwhile, to the East....   Put on your Sailing Shoes....

February 7    No sailing here in Hudson Valley right now...

We had snow on Sunday past, then Thursday, and now looking at more snow this Sunday and several more days of accumulation over the next week. Sailing is on pause for a while. Boats are being taken off the Lake on Saturday.  A few will ride out the snow and hope the ice base holds out through a thaw and refreeze. Still more winter to come... 

another time and space....

February 2 

Orange Lake is a go. The surface froze hard after the rain. 

Sailing on Sunday.  Then a week of variable temps and precipitation. The ice should stay good for the week.

And, saw a video on FB of Stockbridge Bowl - good ice under a layer of water and skim ice (after the Friday Rain). Last nights freeze should have helped strength it. 

February 1

Quite a bit of rain in northern Dutchess County on Friday. Will be looking at Orange Lake to see how it fared. There is enough ice, but depending how cold it got overnight there may be shell ice with water underneath. Not sure if it can be sailed today. Sunday should be good with very cold temps Sunday morn. 

January 30, 2025        waiting out the rain....

Took last boat off the ice at Athens today. Fridays rain forecast led to abandon further thoughts of staying here. We will be looking at some sites to move next. The rain will hopefully smooth out snow covered spots - Berkshire Bowl, Copake and Orange Lake. The first two have not been scouted but likely will after the rain. Long term forecast may only allow a few days if that. Stay Tuned.  

Photos (above) courtesy Jake Metric

January 27, 2025   Sailing finished at  Athens for now.

We measured and the ice was 4-6 inches around the plate we have been sailing. A few boats got in a little sailing Monday until the increasing wind gusts sent us in to the Creek. It was  decided to remove the boats  from the ice. We are done at Athens for now. The upcoming forecast was not encouraging - warmth, wind, some snow and rain by Friday.  The Creek can quickly thin out and become treacherous. We've been there before        It was a tough decision, but with plenty of folks on hand we made the call to play it safe. If the Ice holds on and a deep freeze returns we'll be ready to put boats back on. For now Whiff & a DN remain, to be removed shortly.  Stay Tuned....

Only boats left at Athens Boat Launch. Confidence that ice will hold through the week was low.

Meanwhile, Orange Lake is still in play. Genevieve sailed Sunday through the snow there. The warm up and rain and return to cold may prove to make that ice ready again.  

January 26, 2025 

We had an amazing day of sailing on Sunday!  Still we began to notice a degradation of the ice thickness. We are monitoring the safety of the ice vis a vis this week's forecast. Unfortunately we are not optimistic. I would not advise traveling to Athens this week with a boat anticipating sailing.   We will be checking thickness Monday morning with the plan to remove boats if we see issues with the ice at the location on Murderers Creek. Stay tuned. Stay safe. 

    Photo courtesy Mark Murphy

January 25 Sailing at Athens!  We'll be sailing again Sunday. 

Ice was 5-6 inches Friday; We started loading the big boats Whiff & Galatea. 

Saturday found good winds, hard black ice and a large crowd of sailors and onlookers.  I had no time to take pictures - was working on a boat set up.  

More boats setting up on Orange Lake. There is still a sticky snow covering.  Blustery winds may get boats sailing in the next few days, or, might keep them grounded a little longer.   

Assembling Whiff 1-24-25

January 22    Now we're talking.....

January 21, 2025

The Sunday snow storm brought an average of 5 inches of powdery snow over much of the Hudson Valley.  Orange Lake is already showing signs of ice peeking through the snow- there is some drifting but seems to be less than 2 inches around the pits. 4 nights of   single digits will maintain and increase thickness. Wouldn't rule out sailing this upcoming weekend.

Hope to have update on the looks of the River near Rhinecliff, Barrytown and Athens in a few days. 

January 18, 2025

    Rain arrived Saturday afternoon, ending sailing for the day.  Boats are battened down.  There may be some sailing Sunday morning. Snow arrives after 1:00 or so. 4-6" is predicted.  Boats will be snowed in for a spell. Bitter cold all next week will build the ice considerably. 

We will be scouting out River locations later in the week.  Athens??  

January 17, 2025 

Ice is finally good on Orange Lake here in the Hudson Valley. 8 stern steerers and a half dozen bow steerers are cutting tracks in the light snow.  Storm comes Sunday with enough snow(?) to put things on hold for a bit.  

January 11, 2025

 Still waiting to hear reports about safe ice in our usual locations in the Mid-Hudson Region. 

Reports of sailing are being posted outside our immediate area.

Posts have shown sailing on:

Budd Lake,NJ  (seems safe enough for DNs at this point.) 

Schroon Lake - at least a half dozen DNs are on the ice. 

Sacandaga Reservoir - Town of Day.  

Pushaw Lake, Maine

As always, if you consider venturing to any location you must check with the local sailors as to conditions and hazards. 

stay tuned...  

Cyclone Rhinecliff 2005?


 January 9, 2025      Still waiting for safe local ice....

High winds and frigid temperatures this week.  One local lake we often sail just froze over - waiting to build safe thickness.  

Tivoli South Bay 1/8/25 looking north; River just to the west, across the RR tracks.

Visited Tivoli Bay on Wednesday the 8th. It's a mess - water chestnuts, all kinds of wood debris - Ice was 2-3 inches and at low tide. A little smoother out past the debris field but not looking promising. Will need a snowstorm, melt & refreeze. Oh and then there is still access issues...

Tivoli Bay - first 75 yards out from our usual launch spot is ugly...

Just past the above picture, the ice is a bit better;
Still, lots of debris frozen into the ice making it a minefield to navigate through. Looking NE towards Skillypot.

Stockbridge Bowl - according to a recent Facebook post is still open water at the launch site. 

Athens, in Green County, is also showing open water on the River off the boat launch. 

                      Boat launch, Athens.                           photo courtesy Frank Wall.  

Sailors have been on (and in one case, in)  Schroon Lake up near the Adirondacks.  DN boats mostly.   I imagine the high winds have curtailed safe sailing and it is real cold with 25+ mph gusts in your face!

Magical ice on Tivoli Bay December 2010
Spider, Tivoli Bay 1991 photo courtesy of John Clark

 January 2, 2025                            Ice on the Way??

3-4 inches of ice on our favorite skating swamp, 12/28/24; with half inch of powder.

Ice was forming nicely on some local ponds and lakes just after Xmas, before the thaw and rain arrived.  That spoiled the gains that were made. We are now looking ahead at a week of below freezing temperatures and multiple nights in the teens. (January 5-11).  We will be looking for ice in the upcoming days.   The forecast is looking hopeful. Stay tuned....  

Barrytown, February 28, 1982 - This is what we would like to see this winter! (Photo courtesy of John Clark)

December 22, 2024 - No ice yet in the Hudson Valley.

While we set up boats at the FDR Museum for the Holidays, we like the look of a stretch of cold next week. Looks to be almost a week of temps below 32 and several nights of single digits. The River is wide open and will need much colder weather. This is way too soon to think about ice on the River. Still, it might be time to look at local lakes to see if ice is building.

Meanwhile there has been a few weeks of sailing out on Lake Minnewaska, Minnesota, including races in several classes. There has been some recent sailing in Maine as well.

Happy Holidays!

Ice Conditions Archives

Past ice condition reports below - from Feb.  2024 and back. 

Monday 2/26/24 Done for the season (most likely)

Photo courtesy of Jonathan Palmer

Club boats are off of Stockbridge Bowl. Most were packed up Sunday afternoon as there was a critical mass of people to lift; and facing increasingly warm temperatures this week.

Sailing is likely done for the season. Unless one wants to take a trip to NH or ME to find sailable ice. It was a great week & a half at Stockbridge.

Photo courtesy of RM Hungate

Friday 2/23/29

Still have good ice at Stockbridge Bowl in Massachusetts. This is the closest and only ice within a short drive of our usual sailing venues. A recent report via Bob & Reid:

".... measured 6-7" in four locations Wednesday morning, and an ice fisherman said 8" where he was fishing.  Thursday, by afternoon, there was an inch and a half of slush on top of what was 6-7"... Rain snow mix tonight and tomorrow, and then some cold for the weekend but unsure now if the sheet will be sailable.  Friday night 19 deg.; Sat high 24 deg and 16mph nw wind which should be better than the fluky south wind we had the last two days.  Then Sat night 12 and Sunday 37.  We are planning on removing boats on Sunday."

We are hoping the ice holds through the weekend. We'll be there.

the "pits" Thursday afternoon....
3 Arrows, 2 DNs, a Meade Skeeter & 3 stern steerers.

Monday 2/19/24 Sailing in MASS

A delay here in updating ice conditions.... No ice in Hudson Valley in February. A nice plate of ice can be found near West Stockbridge Mass.

Stockbridge Bowl has 5-7 inches of ice. A few boats set up on Thursday Feb. 15. As of Monday Feb. 19 there are multiple Arrow iceboats and DNs. 3 stern steerers - Puff, Unnamed "Maine boat" & unnamed "folding boat" sailed over the weekend. More boats continue to arrive. There is a lull in the wind Tuesday and some rain anticipated Friday. The weekend could still find us with great conditions on this small lake. In a good breeze it can seem "crowded" with 8+ dns/arrows/small stern steerers sailing. But best chances to sail or to see the boats in action. NW side of the Lake, public boat launch off Interlaken Rd.

Wednesday 2/14/24 Still, No Sailing here

Warm temps the 2nd weekend of February wiped out any ice on local lakes. A "snowstorm" dumped snow south of us -Newburgh area on south - but Northern Dutchess missed it all. Cold temperatures are returning, but it does not currently look to be cold enough to make ice on local lakes.

While there is little chance for ice locally, there are multiple choices up north. 

-Lake Sacandaga has ice & no snow - small boats (from other areas) were sailing there last weekend.   Sailors are looking to be there at the end of the week and into the weekend, (though looks like they may get some snow Thursday). Some HRIYC boats may be headed to Sacandaga at the end of the week.

There are several lakes in Maine being sailed;   New Hampshire/Bantam Ct  as well.  Of course you’ll need to travel. 

Sunday 2/4/24 No Sailing here

We finally have some sunshine! But the temperatures have risen and we are not seeing any sailing ice here in the Hudson Valley. Late this week I'm seeing several days around 50. Not looking good. Yet a late February freeze is not unheard of, so let's hope the temperatures take a turn for the worse - or turn for the better... look back 10 years this month

February 13, 2014 

2 weeks later.... 

2/28/14  AstorPoint, Barrytown

Meanwhile if you are up for travel Maine has great ice:

racing in various bow steering classes will be held.

closer to home, somewhat, dns are sailing on Chazy Lake - about 20 minutes west of Plattsburgh NY. Facebook page of 'Iceboats of Saratoga'

Sunday 1/21/24

Ice report & observations from long time ice watcher, Reid Beilenberg:

"A curious phenomena, this freezing of ponds, lakes and rivers, is.   I have been watching the ice form on our skating pond at Triform. On Saturday morning, I measured 3 1/2 " on gray ice near the edge, but the ice covered by 1" of snow (reduced from Tuesday's 4" snow fall)  the ice measured barely 2 1 /4" .  After a 8 degree night and a fresh north wind, I was surprised that the ice had not thickened appreciably.  Following the mild temperatures and rain of December and January, there is a lot of heat remaining in the depth of the pond.

While the surface may skim over and freeze over to a degree, it won't thicken up until that volume of water beneath has finally dissipated its warmth.   The rule of " an inch per night" at zero degrees, does not apply. Ice can be deceptive, be careful folks,  This appears to be the  same observation of the ice skating scouts throughout the

On Thursday, I looked at Copake Lake which still had many open places.  The formation of safe ice here may have to wait till February. This morning, I took in the view from Mt. Marino, overlooking the Athens Channel.  There is a sheet of black ice forming all along the west shore from well below the power lines and extending  up the channel.
There remains an open hole in the middle. It is unlikely that this will survive this week's warm up."
Stay tuned and stay safe,

Copake Lake March 3, 2019

Friday 1/19/24 - Hudson River is fully open water (off of Barrytown) ; Tivoli Bay has thin ice cover and open water leads from the trestles and Sawkill. Orange Lake is still open at North End. No sailing for now.

Tivoli South Bay ( Barrytown NY)  from SE corner looking NW;  Lots of debris scattered over the thin ice.  1/18/24.  

First RR trestle is far left in Photo. Skillypot Is. off shore to the right half way up.

January 17, 2024

Despite the arctic air, no ice to note yet in the Hudson Valley!

During our ice yacht display at the FDR library/Museum over the holidays, we find that people often ask,  How can we find out about when the boats are out? And How do we know it is safe to sail?   Or when will you  be sailing?  I usually suggest to watch closely or check in when the weather looks to be multiple days  below 20-ish. Then iceboaters will be looking to go out and check the ice.  So, here is the outlook for this week - 

When I see a forecast that shows multiple nights in the low teens  and a string of days below 30, I will think of scouting out a plate of ice. We’ll check thickness over a sheet of ice, looking to see if we can sail.  This week looks somewhat encouraging.  Still, it doesn't mean we are safe to sail or will be setting up the boats;  there are so many variables, especially with the tidal impacts of the river.   A cold snap that might lock in a couple of inches can be stymied  by a strong wind. I just checked about a local lake we sail on - it’s still mostly open water - the winds impacted the ice formation, even with the very cold temperatures over the last 2 -3 nights.  Then a snow can mess up the surface ( Fridays snow may be a drag).  So keeping positive that we may have more encouraging news for the weekend. The Hudson River will need continued, extended cold, and will scout out Tivoli Bay in the meantime.  Hope to have an update by week’s end.  Think ice!

hope you're getting your boat ready for the ice!

Happy NewYear! January 1, 2024

No ice, No snow, little cold here in the Hudson Valley as we wrap up 2023 ( see miserable conditions from that year below..).  The first week of January looks to be relatively mild - low temps only in mid 20s.  Hopefully cold will settle in as we move into 2024. 

Ice Conditions Archives
Past ice condition reports below - from Feb.  2023 and back.

February 14, 2023

Well, the ice is not strong here, or anywhere in the Hudson Valley,  as we proceed through the warmest winter in quite awhile. A few of the boats from the HRIYC found ice up at Sacandaga Lake - just inside the Adirondack Park. I don't anticipate any ice making in the next few weeks (at least) as the next 2 days may top 60 degrees! And perhaps snow late next week. Enjoy the mild days ahead! 

Friday eve, February 10, 2023  Boats set up on Sacandaga - the first time putting HRIYC boats on that ice - for a one day event the following day. 

January 30, 2023

Still No Ice here in the Hudson Valley.  The River above the Kingston Bridge was fully open, and a walk along Tivoli Bay also showed open water and happy Geese with 40+ degree temps. The encouraging news is that we are about to get a cold spell here with below zero this weekend.  Will have to watch to see what transpires as it also looks like we might quickly rebound to above freezing temps in the days after. 
Meanwhile, as we look at warm temps and mild days, there has been great sailing in Wisconsin. Over the last 2 weeks there have been races in many classes - both international & North American  class races - with bow steering classes - Dns, Skeeters, and Nites at least. 
The international DN races were incredible. Great coverage at 4Lakes Ice Yacht Club      And, more coverage from CIBC .

Line up for DN worlds races, January 2023;  photo courtesy of Cathy Firmbach.

Photo courtesy Cathy Firmbach. 
Looking at these ice boat line ups led me to look back at some stern steerer races from the past.... 

Race for the Ice Yacht Challenge Pennant, February 14, 1887. 

Race for the Ice Yacht Challenge Pennant, February, 1902. 
Scud, Icicle, Dreadnaught, Jack Frost.

Races off Hyde Park, circa 1888.

Lake Minnetonka, MN. 1892

Athens-on-Hudson February 2001. The Hudson River Ice Yacht Club yachts held 2 races;  the Stewart House Challenge Race & the Hudson River Ice Yacht Club Challenge Pennant.  Vixen, with Reid Bielenberg at the tiller, took both races. 

Rhinecliff-on-Hudson  - Hound, Kriss, North Wind    February 5, 2005.   Kriss took the Commodores Pennant this day. 

Barrytown, 2003

Happy New Year!  2023 Ice conditions
January 11, 2023

No Ice in Hudson Valley! 

The deep cold at the turn of the year - 22-23 - got some hopes up that we may soon have early January ice.  That was quickly squashed as rain and warm temperatures poured in.   We have not yet had a good snow dump & we've seen temps in the 50s over the first 2 weeks in January. For now we wait...  stay tuned. 

Boats ready to go!! 

Past ice condition reports below - from Feb.  2022 and back.


Ice Update 2/13/22 
Season over in Athens.  All boats removed from the ice.
Boats coming off at Orange Lake also.   

Ice Update 2/12/22  

Most of the fleet is now on wood blocks in the cove south of the State Boat Launch. Greyhound and Orion are off the ice all together.  Access at the state boat launch is no more - open water makes that site dangerous. 

                        Open water right where we accessed the ice 3 days ago.... Murderers Creek, Athens

Cold Temperatures into Monday & Tuesday may actually provide a last day or 2 of sailing.  The surface currently has a layer of water over much of it due to warm temperatures. That should freeze up nicely with the upcoming cold. 

Clouds reflected off watery surface. Looking north toward mouth of Murders Creek up river on the left. 

While the Creek is opening up due to the flow of water into the river, the river itself, well outside that outflow, is more stable.  Ice thickness will be checked again Sunday to determine if it is safe to sail. Sunday may be spent dismantling the fleet and waiting for next prolonged cold spell. 

Ice conditions  Murderers Creek, Athens, 2/11/22
The back-to-back warm days has taken a toll on the ice here at the end of this week. We are losing ice & it is increasingly unstable and is not safe. A visitor to the ice Friday went through a hole just off the dock at the launch.  All's well but wet & chilly.
Boats were moved to the cove south of the Boat Launch and word is that we will look to get them off the ice ASAP.   
No sailing Saturday.  Stay off the ice!


Boats are sailing on the River at Athens-on-Hudson. We access at the state boat launch, Murderers Creek, about half mile north of the village of Athens, off Rt 385.  As always, ice conditions can change quickly. We have seen this at Murderers Creek in years past.  Always use caution and never assume the ice is completely safe.

Pictures in this post copyright and courtesy of Robert Near

With a good stiff breeze (over 10 mph) on Sunday, all boats sailed well. Ice was smooth and sailable most of the length of Middle Ground Flats. Most boats stayed within a short distance from the launch area at Murderers Creek. Monday afternoon saw a brief spell of flurries and temps into the mid 30s.  No wind to speak of. The next 2 days look to have good winds to sail. The temperatures are into the 40s over the next 5 days, which may begin to compromise the ice, Colder temperatures toward the weekend. Will need to keep a close eye on the Creek and impacts the warming may have on ice. Be cautious if you are heading out, check with fellow sailors.   


Orion zips along on the Hudson River, at Athens. Note the crusty frozen layer on a long smooth sheet of ice. Strong winds were necessary to push the boats through the sticky crust alright. Photo courtesy Robert Wills 

-- a little further surface assessment from our kite skier Glen:
To clarify the piece of ice at Athens is flat and large but there is a thin layer of hard snow on it. It should improve rapidly with sun and temps above freezing this week. The big boat are moving but it takes a little more wind than on snow free ice. Underpowered boats may have difficulty moving Sunday but it will be a beautiful day to be on the frozen Hudson River. 

February 5, 2022
Ice report late Saturday:  "Beautiful piece of ice here in Athens. You can go from the power lines South of Athens to the green buoy North of Middle Ground."  There is a half inch or so of sticky crusty snow pack.  As one sailor described it "Silent flying.."    When winds subsided, there was much pushing. 

The river ice managed the latest storm here in the a Hudson Valley. We had rain, freezing rain, sleet, and then a bit of snow. Major power outages in Ulster County, just to the south of Greene county, with trees down in many places. The rain helped to smooth out drifts from last weeks snow. The sleet and snow did leave a bit of a crust on the surface.  
As of early afternoon today (2/5/22) Vixen & Orion & Greyhound are sailing. Brian D's small stern steerer was also getting some good runs.  Orange Lake is in good shape as well. Boats there were de-masted and brought inside to thaw out frozen rigging.  they were back up & sailing by the afternoon. 

January 29, 2022  
It seems we received about 2-3 inches of snow from this recent nor-easter. The high winds kept the boats wrapped up tight, awaiting a break in the conditions. This upcoming week brings cold temperatures to build ice thickness; then a warm up and rain to hopefully smooth out the snow drifts from recent storm; and then return to cold. Next weekend might look very, very good. stay tuned.  In the meantime skippers will likely be around Sunday to see what the surface looks like after the snow. Stop by in Athens Sunday and say hello. If the snow isn't too deep there may be sailing.  No guarantees.

January 28, 2022 
On the eve of a storm....  Looks like we will get some snow Saturday - luckily it looks to be a few inches at most.  With temperature in the teens and brisk winds up to 20 mph+ forecast, I don't anticipate any sailing Saturday. Sunday looks to be a good day as long as the snow isn't too heavy.  This past week was mixed for sailing;  no wind some days; not quite enough on other days as the covering of crusty snow prevented the boats from good sailing.   Vixen and Greyhound had some sailing on Wednesday in conditions that could stress the old canvas to the point of ripping.   Fortunately none did.

speaking of brisk winds... 
a recent afternoon on Orange Lake...
                   photo courtesy Dave Disbrow

stay safe! 

January 23, 2022 

Photo courtesy of Robert Near

Ice has locked in at several locations for ice boating. The Hudson River Ice Yacht Club is launching boats in Athens-on-Hudson, at the state boat launch there. This is the same location we started launching boats from last winter. As of Sunday 5 stern steerers and an Arrow class bow steerer have been set up on the ice. More boats are expected over the week. 
Orange Lake has 5 old stern steerers set up there as well. Access is limited and the HRIYC launching spot is for stern steerers at this time.  
Copake Lake in Columbia County is also frozen over. Athens seems to be the spot for northern Hudson Valley ice boating.  As always, ice conditions can change quickly. We have seen this at Murderers Creek in years past.  Always use caution and never assume the ice is completely safe.  

   Photo courtesy of Robert Near  

Happy New Year!  2022 Ice conditions
January 16, 2022

The recent bitter cold is starting to make ice.  Local iceboaters are looking at the ice at Athens, and other Hudson River access sites. No boats are  ready to launch on the river, and there is no reports of safe ice yet.  The impending storm of snow/sleet/rain may impact readiness to get boats on soon.  Local lakes may be ready and there are a few small bow-steerers sailing on Orange Lake. Again the storm impact will determine when or if the big boats get launched any time soon.  
The continued cold for later in the week will help build ice and we may be able to launch next weekend. Stay warm, more later this week.  
Coming soon......

Past ice condition reports below - from March 2021 and back.

John A. Roosevelt's Ice Boat Barn, Poughkeepsie NY  circa 1887

3/7/21   Season Over , Boats back in their barns & garages; 
See you next winter - hopefully!  

Orange Lake, NY  3/6/21

Current conditions - good ice over most of the Lake - Major pressure crack ( dangerous!) splits the Lake in two - roughly mid lake, running E-W.  It is well marked.  access around the crack can be had closer to the shore. 
A large collection of boats are sailing on solid ice and brisk winds. This first weekend of March will be last sailing as  very warm temperatures are arriving over next few days. Sailing Sunday, boats dismantled Sunday as well. Fair Winds!!  

Athens-on-Hudson   Update 2-23-21    
all ice boats are off the ice at Athens. Playing it safe as upcoming warm temps and rain will make ice unsafe. Will let you know if any other location turns up!  
Thanks to Athens!

Athens-on-Hudson   Update 2-22-21    
Update to Update!!  Boats are being removed Tuesday 2/23 - if you can help out be at the cove at 9:45 - 10:00.
photo courtesy of Bob Wills

We got a good 3 inches of heavy snow today!  And we are looking at a warm up this week with a good chance of hitting 50 on Wednesday, and a couple full days without going below freezing. There is a good chance the boats will be dismantled this week. It will be unlikely that we will sail the weekend of 27-28; But you never know....  I will confirm if/when boats are being packed up and heading back to the barns in surrounding towns.  We had a might fine time these last 2 weeks in Athens!

                                    Sunday 2/21/21 photo courtesy of Bob Wills 

                                                photo Courtesy of Constanza Low

Athens-on-Hudson   Update 2-19-21   
Boats will likely raise sail this weekend - hoping to sail through the 3 inches of snow on the surface. Ice thickness 5-6 inches. Brisk winds might help sail through the snow.   As always, be safe accessing the ice. Check with people already there about possible hazards. 

Wednesday's sun and slightly warmer temps really smoothed out the surface beautifully.  All the boats were out sailing. Photo courtesy of Daniel Spitzer

No wind Thursday;  3 of the big boats pushed down river a bit to a protected cove for the time being. 
Snow arrived and as of Friday morning, we have 2-3 inches and the snow showers are continuing Friday. We may still be in good shape for sailing this weekend. Good news is that Greyhound has joined the fleet!   

 Stay tuned..  

Athens-on-Hudson   Update 2-16-21  
The boats were pulled up onto shore yesterday to be on safe ground as we wait out the unsettled weather approaching this week. Freezing rain today, Tuesday, has things covered in ice, though temperatures are headed into the mid-40s; Snow arrives Thursday night and the predicted snowfall amount seem to change hourly. There may be a window for some sailing tomorrow, though it depends on each boat skipper.  Will have to see if conditions recover for weekend sailing. Stay tuned, stay safe!

Athens-on-Hudson   Update 2-14-21  
Photo courtesy of Robert Near
The only ice we are sailing on in the Hudson Valley. A good weekend on the ice.  5-6 inches, with a 3/4 snowy topping. We are looking at an unsettled week, weather wise - snowy, freezing rain, more snow. We will watch to see if ice holds fast till next weekend. We will likely move boats up to a cove at Hagers Harbor, a 1/4 mile north of current location at the state boat launch. Safer, and able to pull boats up on shore if necessary. Lots of skaters, skiers, dogs, and on lookers on Valentines Day.  Everything but wind.  

        Photo courtesy of Robert Near

Athens Update 2-8-21 
Yes, Vixen is set up and ready!  She is also awaiting a few more nights of good cold to add more thickness to the ice in that location. It is unlikely she will venture out this week. There is forecast for snow tomorrow & the overnight temps have gone up some over last few days.  We are taking it a day at a time and will assess Friday-Saturday whether it is safe to set up more of the fleet here.  Lows near zero are forecast for early next week, which may give us assurance of enough ice in that area. This post is not an invitation to bring boats - we will continue to watch the conditions and get the news out when the ice feels safe. Still monitoring other locations as well. Tivoli Bay had a good report but the ability to access the South end is hampered by deep snow.  Stay tuned! 

Super Bowl Sunday 2/7/21 

photo courtesy of and copyright by Robert Near.

We were buried with 13 inches of snow during the nor'easter last week.    In some spots the snow has saturated well and cold has helped lock in newly thickening ice. Reid& crew took advantage of the ice sheet just north of Athens and launched Vixen.  We will hopefully be getting more ice yachts on the ice next weekend.  Will look into other possible sailing locations to see how they are fairing after the snow. Stay tuned. 

Tuesday January 26.... cold & ice!

Cold temperatures have arrived! Ice is still forming and by the end of this week we may have a location to set up. Forecasting 3 nights in single digits, which should make sufficient ice on local lakes and bays. Will have to watch the River and see if it has potential. 
Tivoli South Bay, East side of Hudson River, Barrytown 1/24/21
 We are getting a bit of snow today - 1/26- which might cause headaches.  It may blow off too.  Sailing location will depend on access & best surface conditions. 

Tivoli South Bay had 2 inches Sunday - it should be close to ready after 2  more nights making ice; Issue is access ( trees have fallen over our route in) and a mediocre surface.    

Copake Lake in Columbia County has a beautiful surface & 4-5 inches. Snow is accumulating on it today (1/26). Will see how much gets dumped - we may be alright.
Copake Lake 1/26

Ice is still building at Orange Lake - windy conditions hindered ice making earlier on. Hope to hear good news by the weekend. 

Meanwhile, HRIYC Arrow fleet travelled to  Saratoga Lake this past weekend.  Photos courtesy of Doc Shuter  

Saratoga Lake 1/23/21

Happy New Year 2021! 

January 10, 2021
No Ice in the Hudson Valley.
We need some extended cold here; not looking like we'll get it in the next 10 days.  It appears that the polar vortex may impact us in late January. Stay tuned.  
Meanwhile boaters in Maine have been finding ice and getting in a few days of sailing. 
Support Local Ice!

March 1, 2014

The season conditions of 2019-20 below.... 

March 7, 2020 
More spring than winter as we wrapped up February and eased into March.
Looks like it might hit 70 Monday the 9th! Time for baseball I guess...
Here we were exactly 6 years ago: 
Line up of the iceboat fleet, off Rokeby, Barrytown-on-Hudson, NY, March 2014
                                                                                                                                                                                                          (Patrick Gallager photo)

February 8, 2020
Not a bit of ice in the river. 
We had a 4 " snow storm on January 18th, after a few days of cold.
Since then we've been mostly above freezing. 
Regions north of us got hit with a good snow Thursday-Friday, 
burying ice at Sodus Bay, and Lake Champlain; 
We had freezing rain, then just rain here in Hudson Valley. 
Still hoping for a cold spell. Stay Tuned  

Orange Lake, Feb. 2009;
Only known sighting of the rare stern steering DN schooner....

January 12, 2020
67 degrees in the Hudson Valley!!
January 11 & 12th we hit at least 67 both days...
still waiting for the big freeze....
Cyclone, 1902, off Hyde Park.

January 3, 2020
Happy New Year! 
Early snow and cold built some ice on small lakes in mid December, 2019,  but a long mild stretch has left the Mid Hudson Valley region with no ice as we start the new year.  Lots of sailing in the mid western lakes   and up in Maine
We seem to set up old yachts on city lots 
or spend mornings restoring boats in  chilly workshops....
But always hopeful that a stretch of cold will descend and we will pull the old yachts out of the barns.  Stay tuned... 

Whirlwind, Orange Lake Jan. 2017

end of season 2019.....

March 21, 2019
Spring has arrived and our short season of ice is done. The only local ice was finished by March 12 when Vixen was dismantled and stored away till next season.   Last day of pushing/sailing on Copake Lake was March 9th. It was more of a day to relax and enjoy the sun.     

Andy Hudson noted that there was still sailing on Otsego Lake this past week. Several HRIYC folks have, in the past, taken boats up to this pretty lake near Cooperstown.  

March 3, 2019  

Lone iceboat at Copake Lake... 

The last week of February saw some locations lose ice, while some small pockets held fast. Copake Lake in central Columbia County was one. Reid B. sniffed out this fine lake just a few minutes from where he lives and, after not being able to launch on the Hudson a month back, got his beloved Vixen set up and tacking on this pretty little lake, the largest in Columbia County.  Sunday 3/3 saw little wind, but she is ready to ride out a week of temps below 20.  Next Saturday should see solid ice and more sailing.  Stay Tuned.  
Vixen, built 1885 by the Merritt brothers of Chelsea NY. 

February 14, 2019 
Tuesdays storm brought snow, sleet, ice pellets... It's an icy mess in the Hudson River Valley. Previous to the snow a fleet of stern steerers arrived at Orange Lake on Saturday (2/9) only to find the Lake riddled with drain holes that appeared overnight. All hopes of sailing last weekend were crushed.  Meanwhile the warm temps of the previous week and high winds at the end of the week blew out all ice on the Hudson. Saturday saw open water at Rhinecliff, which, a week earlier, had 6 inches of ice.  One of those winters...
No sailing....

February 1, 2019  
about four years ago... between the Poughkeepsie Railroad bridge and Poughkeepsie car bridge...

Still no sailing in the Hudson Valley. We were just ready to set up boats when the snow of 1/28 hit. Vixen was looking to set up near Athens. A few yachts including Genevieve, were set up on Orange Lake. All are snowed in. Warm temps and rain next week may help the surface if followed by good cold. The cold is building thickness, we need the surface to  smooth out. Looks like we will be watching the Super Bowl, rather than sailing this year. All is not lost yet.  
Snowed In Orang Lake, Feb 1, 2019

January 1, 2019
Happy New Year!!
No Sailing Yet...
We are still waiting for a sustained cold here in the Hudson Valley. 
No sail-able ice as the New Year starts. 
meanwhile there has been much sailing in Maine. 

till the cold returns, remember, 'a man with a barn in the Fall, is a friend to all...'.*
(or a shed..) 
Shed full of D class stern steerers,
Looking for ice & homes...

* Steve Young

The season conditions of 2017-18 below....

Season's over.....Till Next December 2018..... 

Wednesday, March 22: Nor'easter storm #3!!  NO SNOW in Red Hook...  this storm stayed south- NYC got quite a bit.

Tuesday, March 13:  5" storm - in Red Hook  

Wednesday, March 7:  Nor'easter storm #2 - 12" in Red Hook  

Saturday, March 3:  Nor'easter storm - 10" in Red Hook 
fascinating storm summary:

Thursday February 22:  72 degrees at 11:00am....  got closer to 80 in the afternoon.  so it goes...

Monday February 19:  Sailing is done for the time being;  All boats are off Orange Lake. Forecast is showing 70 degrees mid week.  Ouch!!   Don't anticipate any sailing in the Hudson Valley in near future. check back often - might there be a late February freeze??

Rocket packed up - ready to head home to Red Bank.
A few stern steerers are up on shore, hoping for a return to cold sometime soon...

Friday, February 16:   Looks like there will be a day of sailing on Orange Lake Saturday.   The recent warming has smoothed out the ice and there should be enough chill tonight to firm up the ice for Saturday.  Not a lot of wind forecast, but may be enough to move the boats.  Snow Saturday night and very warm temps as the week progresses may spell an end to any ice sailing this month.  Saturday may be the chance. See  you there. 

Bob Wills has set up his boat Orion in Rhinebeck at the Delamater House - part of a chamber of commerce event. He'll be talking about ice yachting at 1:00 pm at the conference center at Delamater.

Sadly, temperatures of 60+ are forecast for next week. Not a good omen...

Friday, February 9:
No sailing weekend of Feb 10-11...
Orange Lake is covered with 1/2 inch of snow... over top of 1 inch of crusty snow (left from Wednesday's storm); over top of solid ice.   this weekend's rain and 40s should  help smooth out the crusty surface. Will need to see what next week brings. Hopefully looking for  great ice NEXT weekend.
About 1/2 inch of fresh snow on top of a crusty snow.

about 1 inch of crusty snow (from Wednesday's storm - we had 3ish inches of snow
 followed by sleet/rain);   underneath is a solid 10 ish inches of good ice. 

snow covered fleet; 5 pm Friday night. 

Wednesday February 7:
There was  snow, sleet , freezing rain in the Hudson Valley today. I had about 3-4 inches of snow, (northern Dutchess County) which was later covered with a freezing rain. quite a crust on top of snow. Orange Lake is further south and likely got less snow, more rain; the lake may do OK, but freezing temps in next few days may make surface crusty/sticky and not too sailable. And it looks like a period of rain and 30s over Saturday & Sunday.  Lots of thick ice waiting to resurface just right. Stay tuned;
Orange Lake on Monday eve. Super bowl snow/rain smoothed out the bumpy ice.
Looking beautiful here. Now covered in crusty snow.
Boats will be back...
(Thanks to Dob Schreiber for photo.)

Saturday February 3 - The place to sail in the Hudson Valley is Orange Lake.
Boats have been sailing on this Lake since the 1880s. The Orange Lake Ice Yacht Club was formed in  1888.  Today there were 27 boats on the south end. Ice is plenty thick, though the surface is fairly rough. No problem for the big old stern steerers though.
Boats are staying in place  & sailing will be intermittent through the next week I would venture.

Sunday, January 28 - No Sailing on the River; Sailing on hold at Orange Lake 
Tivoli Bay update

View of Orange Lake from the Lakeview House, looking SW.
Rough estimate that you are seeing 40% of the surface area of the Lake.

The warm thaw and rain has helped eliminate the snow that covered all ice from the storm on the 17th. Bodies of water that had sufficient thickness have seen surface ice repair nicely.  After the snow of Jan. 17 some boats pulled off of Orange Lake, but the quick return to good ice has seen a few more boats joining the growing fleet there. There was decent sailing on Saturday in fickle winds. A nice fleet of stern steerers: Ice Queen, Genevivie, Boreus, Puff, Helen C., Lady,  two D stern steerers from Red Bank, including Icicle),  and an assortment of DNs, Arrows, and a Nite.   
Boats wrapped up by 3 pm as softening ice, growing puddles and fading breeze put a halt to sailing. With temperatures near 50 for Sunday, there is likely to be no sailing. If the week remains quiet and the predicted cold nights late this week may add up to a good weekend of sailing next weekend. If so, A boats from Red Bank will be traveling north to set up.                                                                       Some nice ice remains of the Hudson (up near Athens) but the rain and recent warm temps have reduced thickness. There were a few days of sailing off Ice Station Glasco - an Arrow & Dn enjoyed a few days of ice this recently. Those boats are now off the ice. The River is just too unpredictable. I will check out Tivoli Bay today to see how it fared post snow cover.  stay tuned.

Puddles growing in the 'pits'. Boreus sailing out.
Tivoli Bay - Sunday Jan 28:

The Bay did not fare well after snow, rain, warm up and new cold. It is a MESS! More debris than I have ever seen. I can't imagine it can be sailed this season.  Bummer!
Logs, water chestnuts, rocks, tires. South Bay is riddled with debris.

Lonely sentinel overlooking a frozen wasteland...

looking north up Tivoli South Bay. RR tracks to the left.
What a mess... all the way to Skillypot & beyond.

Wednesday, January 17  -  8" snow; No sailing here for a spell.
we got more snow than we were expecting in the mid-Hudson valley. Warm spell over upcoming weekend and rain early next week could quickly get us back to good ice. we will see.
We dismantled Frank's Arrow and Cyclone and Orion from Tivoli Bay Monday. who knows? after this snow and rain the surface might recover nicely & we may go right back ! :-) 

Sunday, January 14 - 
Tivoli Bay a Mess after the storm; No sailing anytime soon there.  Some boats coming off the ice Monday. 

Looking real ugly on South Bay. Riddled with water chestnuts and
muddy sediment. I've never seen it look this bad. 

It looks like this as far north as i could see. 
over 8" of ice (a rough estimate based on cracks in  a few black ice locations)

Orange Lake is back - Boats sailing there.  

Lake took on a lot of water, edges are soft - well placed planks can get you on the ice...

Hudson River may be too risky - lots of open water from recent rains - we may not get on anytime soon. Check out Coast Guard aerial photos as of Saturday, from John Sperr's site: 
John Henry has taken his Nite to Bantam Lake in CT; Andy Hudson notes that Lake Mahopac is in good shape for sailing.

Saturday, January 13    Ice not ready...  
Open Water at many launch location sites. No sailing now. Boats pulled off Athens Location. Tivoli Bay needs time to heal.  Rain from Friday's storm has compromised local launch sites.
Upcoming cold may quickly lock in ice. May be able to set up by Monday. Location TBD....


No Boats are left at Athens site; Maybe back soon???

January 10, 2018 
Sailing on the Hudson soon???
Photographer - Robert Near

Sailing has been on hold since last week's storm (we got about 5 inches in Red Hook - northern Dutchess County - on 1/4/18). All local sailing surfaces have too much snow to sail.

But we have a classic weather pattern coming up - warm up (50s), rain (a good soaking Friday), followed by a return of very cold temps (early Sunday morn, near single digits). This should work to get rid of snow and polish the surface. Should be a start of a great week of sailing (for those that can get away from work...). 

Question is where on the River will boats set up? There is talk of good ice in Athens, where we sailed in 2001 and again in 2009.  Will have more info by the weekend.   There are still boats ready at Tivoli Bay & Orange Lake, both of which should have great ice by (perhaps)  Sunday.   stay tuned.

January 1, 2018
Lawrence family fleet of ice Yachts, New Years Day, Orange Lake.
 photo courtesy of Kevin Lawrence.
January 2018 

Plenty of ice to the north, at Tivoli Bay & good ice to the south at Orange Lake.  Continued cold this week will continue to build thickness. Hudson River sailing locations may be established and locked in by the end of this week. May be sporadic sailing through the upcoming week; look for more sailing Jan 6 & 7.

Cyclone on New Years day on Tivoli Bay.


12/31/17 : Last day of 2017 and we are sailing on Tivoli Bay, in Barrytown. 4 old stern steerers and a 1960s era Arrow class are on the ice.  Galatea and Cyclone sailed on the eve of the New Year. More sailing on NY Day. It is cold! bundle up. Best access is through the Greenway Trail on the campus of the Unification Theological Seminary in Barrytown.  
Please note: while we are now sailing on this Bay, do realize that ice is never safe. We are familiar with this bay and do know areas that are dangerous. if you are venturing onto this ice, travel with friends; ice creepers on the feet are recommended; shore areas are most unstable. ask for help or directions as you approach the ice where we sail. Be cautious, be safe!

12/28/17:  checked Tivoli Bay on 12/27 in the morning. 
Tivoli Bay had no more than 1-1.5 inches outside the very south end. Ice was covering about 1-2 inches of water when I was on it - low tide at that time of morning. These next 2 nights very likely add enough to ice to set up boats on the Bay this weekend.  BIG IF.....
Access to the bay is still being resolved, so no assurances yet. The river had some skim ice that was traveling with the tides.  Will keep looking at other access points along the Hudson and see if we can put on by New Years Day. 
Looking north from the south end of Tivoli Bay. Ice has set up fairly well;
No water chestnuts frozen in the surface. Usual wood debris scattered about.

Looking north from bluff at south end. 

Looking Northeast towards Blithewood, on the Bard College campus.  Open water at both railroad trestles. flock of geese to the right in this photo. This should lock up over next 2 nights, but know that the flow of water in and out of the Bay at these trestles creates dangerous conditions and need to be steered way clear of. 

12/23/17:  No sailable ice here in the Hudson Valley. Temperature forecast is looking very good for the 5 days after Christmas. We may have good ice by New Years!  stay tuned. 

Find out lots about ice, ice thickness, ice safety, immersion strategies and more at: 

Early December cold got us just enough ice to skate on locally. About 2 inches on my local swamp - enough to test the skates out 
(and ankles too...)  

One of the few places to skate - a shallow swamp in Red Hook. 
While we are awaiting some real sustained cold here in the Hudson Valley to pull out the big boats,  other lucky iceboaters are finding great ice.  You can follow ( or drive up and join) iceboaters in Mass, and Maine who have had fine conditions for over a week. 
Tantalizing stories can be found at  

February 20, 2017-----------> Done, before we got started.....

February 20, 2017
Took the boats off the lake's edge Friday the 17th. Too many days upcoming in the 50s and 60s. Ice is done, another season with no ice here in the Hudson Valley. (other than the 24 hours or so in mid-January). Feel free to check back to this blog for more on the history of ice yachting on the Hudson River. We are still finding & restoring old boats, and discovering articles and stories. 

February 9, 2017
We had our first real snow since the winter of 2015!
We got 11 inches of snow in the Hudson Valley today. More snow upcoming in the next few days. We're buried for a spell....

February 5, 2017
A visit to the one lake locally where boats had a few days of ice time is now open water. 
3 Sundays ago we had a few minutes of sailing on a not so breezy day.  For the past 3 weeks: Warm weather, sleet, some snow, a bunch of rain, more warm weather.....  the ice in front of the launch is gone. The north section of the lake still was ice, though no doubt very weak.  
We've had 3 nights of temps in the teens, but not enough whatsoever. 
We'll need a good stretch of cold to rebuild ice here. Stay tuned. 

January 16, 2017
All boats are up off the Lake and on shore: 3 Whirlwinds, Lady and an Arrow and a DN.
Wait through this week of rain and warm temps. We'll look for a drop in temperatures soon. Hopefully we can drop the boats back on the ice.  Stay Tuned....

January 15, 2017 
The ice is already starting to degrade. Got a half-inch snow dusting last evening. Bright sun today softened the ice here and there. Some mid afternoon breezes had Whirlwind up on 2 runners. All boats were pulled off the ice this (Sunday) afternoon. Upcoming week looking bad - many days over 45 and most nights not below 32.  Boats now waiting for next freeze.  Be safe on ice as the warm temperatures intrude over next 7 days. 

January 14, 2017 
There is 5-6 inches of beautifully smooth ice on this small lake outside of Newburgh. It may be sailable for only another day or two as it looks like we are getting 7 straight days of above 40. sigh.

After the rain  & several days in the 50s, ice at a local Hudson Valley Lake managed to hold on and Friday night's cold firmed up ice and, just as important,  the mud in the front yard.  
I imagine that Tivoli Bay has enough thickness, but haven't heard any reports or updates on access. 

January 7, 2017
We are looking at a nice stretch of very cold weather. The next 5 days will stay below freezing. I anticipate some local lakes will set up with enough ice. The upcoming cold is not likely to get us on the river. Tivoli Bay may be sailable; BUT...and a big but, access is an issue and needs to be resolved. Bantam in CT should come in. Will update as I get news. Of course after this nice cold spell it is forecast that we will be rewarded with rain & 50 degrees by mid-next week. Stay tuned.
While we are awaiting some real sustained cold here in the Hudson Valley to pull out the big boats,  other lucky iceboaters are finding great ice.  You can follow ( or drive up and join) iceboaters in Mass, and Maine who have had fine conditions for over a week. 
Tantalizing stories can be found at  

December 2016:

12/30: The Mid-Hudson Valley was hit with a good 4" of wet heavy snow on the 29th. Rain & 40s early next week should help saturate & reduce the snow down to the ice layer now buried. Colder temps look to be in store for late next week.  stay tuned.  

12/23:  Heron Swamp - my favorite skating spot nearby in Tivoli. Wonderful morning skating around the deadfall of the swamp while we startled the resident pair of red tail hawks from tree to tree.  Marveled at the construction of over a dozen great blue heron nests. Ice was softening by noon as temps went over 40. One of the reasons we won't be pulling out the ice boats just yet.  
stay tuned.... 

Over a dozen great blue heron nests sit some 40+ feet up.

12/21: walked out on Tivoli Bay on the Solstice. 4- 5 inches and nice skating ice at the south end. Walked 100 yards out,  just 1-2 inches. Fortunately it was low tide and the ice was almost sitting on the mud. Even if there was 5 inches where we walked, the surface was awful. Upcoming days do not look to make more ice. we'll need a good snow, then thaw, then freeze, stay tuned.   
Ice not really safe yet...
South end of the Bay, where we typically set up the boats;
4 inches in this section only ( ice sitting on the mud at low tide)
A nice smooth skating rink of sorts. 

Some awful jumbled ice about 100 yards out.

Logan measures about 2 inches a little further out. Ice cracks regularly around our feet.

Some beautiful black ice - glass like. That's 1.5ish inches of ice with 2 inches of water under it; then the mud.
Water chestnuts ( "devil-heads") are frozen in the ice everywhere. Invasive in more than one way... We saw a bunch of minnows and, perhaps, small catfish. (they were pretty quick)

Looking north towards Tivoli.

12/18:  temps in high 40s at noon; raining; yesterday's 5" of snow is a waterlogged 2-3 inches; 
quick drop in temperatures forecast for early evening; Still, looking at 5 days around 40 later in
the week, and nighttime temps not cold enough; still waiting for consistent cold. stay tuned. 

12/14: cold temperatures are arriving. We'll be in the single digits by the end of the week.  (Yay!)       We are also looking 3-5 inches of snow (Boo!) which would bury any ice that forms. Late weekend looks like rain, and thermometer in the upper 40s.  Toward Xmas temps will be back in 40s.  Not looking like we'll get sailable ice before New Years.  (But you never know!) stay tuned.  

past years' ice checks...

Measuring thickness on Tivoli South Bay, December 2009.

Incredible black Ice December 2010. Tivoli South Bay.

Skeeter & Lake Hopatcong skate sail. December 2010. Sepasco Lake.

December 13, 2013; Looking at SW corner of Tivoli Bay.