
Saturday, January 25, 2014

HRIYC Club Book 1896

I finally find a copy of this 1896 book - two of them! These copies are housed in the History room of the Poughkeepsie Public Library. (You need an appointment to request these and use the room).  Very cool to discover that these were personal copies of:

--Norman Wright - feared sailor at the helm of the big ice yachts - he owned and sailed Dragon, among others. He was often a hired skipper to sail other owners boats' in the Ice Yacht Challenge Pennant races. He was at the helm of John Roosevelt's Icicle, which won the 1889 Pennant race.  He is Vice-Commodore of the HRIYC at this time.   Wright has also an avid rower.

-- John E. Adriance - an old Poughkeepsie name - and name of the Library here on Market Street in Poughkeepsie. Adriance owned Ymir, a George Buckhout boat. Ymir changed hands several times in the early 1900s. It is now in Red Bank NJ. She came up to sail Orange Lake this winter of 2018. 

 Here is a photo of John E. Adriance

Norman Wright , Vice Commodore, avid rower.

Archie Rogers becomes Commodore this season.

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