Drone video from Saturday courtesy of Glenn & Lance Wheeler
Vixen, with skipper Reid Bielenberg, under sail on the frozen Hudson River, just off the west shore at Athens-on-Hudson. Glen Burger kite skis just beyond.
Vixen, a lateen-rigger ice yacht, was built in 1885 in Chelsea ( Low Point) by the Merritt Brothers. It raced several times for the Ice Yacht Challenge Pennant of America. It was owned and sailed by FDR's uncle John A. Roosevelt, and JAR's daughter Ellen, for many years.
Orion, foreground, and ice yacht Allons, awaiting its sail to be laced on. Allons is back on the ice for the first time in about 25 years. She is a Hyde Park boat. Orion is originally from Malden-on-Hudson, a few miles downriver from this location.

Friday January 28:
Orion & Greyhound manage a few runs on a sticky surface; As much pushing as sailing...
photos courtesy of Bob Wills