Monday -Tuesday marked the last days of sailing the ice here in the Hudson Valley. A dozen folks enjoyed a last few sails on Vixen on Copake Lake Monday. The one local resident (who recently moved to the neighborhood) who stopped by got his first ride. And a friend of a club member had his first time on the tiller for a few tacks. A lovely NW breeze propelled the 1885 Vixen for a last few runs. She's been sailing for 140 years! The Merritt brothers, John A. Roosevelt & Ray Ruge are all smiling at her longevity!
Meanwhile sailing also continued on Orange Lake. A contingent of Arrows, along with Boreas, Puff & Lady sailed on Sunday & Monday. Puff closed out the season with a last few runs on Tuesday before rapidly softening ice sent her home.
There was also the unveiling of a new boat to the Club, as ice yacht Puck was rigged up. A nice story: At the 2023 Ice boat display at the FDR Welcome Center, Captain Steve Schwartz got talking to a visitor at the exhibit who noted they had an old stern steerer in their barn. After more talk the individual donated the boat to the Club and Steve gathered up some sailing buddies to caretake the boat. Jake & Andy from the Puck team worked with Steve to get her set up. The small (and old) sail wasn't quite enough to push her through the sticky surface, but the chance to get her on the ice was a joy. She'll have runners sharpened and a new jib ready for next season.
New to the Club - Ice Yacht Puck; First time on ice with 2 of her new caretakers Andy & Jake . Great to see new members with their boat. Vintage??? hmm.. 1930s-40s? what do you think?